Empowering People with Practical Financial Knowledge
13th of March 2025




A budget can help you crush your outstanding debt, get a hold of your financial future, and even make you a happier person in the process. And best of all, setting up a budget is really not that hard. It’s important to get on that path to financial freedom.




Delivering Financial Capability in Secondary Schools

We have provided fun, informative, practical workshops using games, case studies and hands-on activities.
In these workshops, students enhance their communicational and group working skills, whilst improving their knowledge on financial capability. 
Example Learning Objectives
In sessions students learn to:
  • Investigate and reflect on their spending patterns
  • Know that budgeting is the key to financial stability
  • Create and adjust their own personal survival and lifestyle budgets
  • Judge the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of generating income
  • Identify ways of generating income and earning money
  • Understand that money is an efficient means of exchange in a complex society
  • Know what financial goods to expect from a bank
  • Reduce the chances of getting into debt
  • Better control their spending habits

Fair trade and money game at Whitton School, Richmond, July 2009

All Inclusive was invited to help the students (age 11) to understand about fair trade and credit and borrowing principals at the Whitton School. Our training, in the form of various games, also helps students to understand about leadership, communication, team building and future ambitions.

Reaction from the students include :
– I learnt how little money LECDs make compared to how much MEDCs earn, on top of how rich they already are.
– Make do with what you have got.
– The richer countries need to help the poorer countries.
– I learnt that the world isn’t always fair 
Contact us on 0208 253 7062
Top Tips

1.      Turn off lights when you leave a room.

2.      Use direct debits to pay your bills.

3.      Rent out a driveway or garage.

4.      Switch utility providers.
5.      Sell unwanted items on through Ebay, a garage sale or at a car boot sale.
6.      Use paperless billing to reduce your costs and help save the planet.
7.      Walk more. Leave the car at home, save money and get some exercise.
8.      Avoid buying extended warranties.
9.      Make a shopping list when you go shopping and only buy what is on it.
10.   Clear you credit card debt.
11.   Buy own brand goods at the supermarket.
12.   Don’t buy designer labels.
13.   Do D.I.Y. instead of paying a trades person to do the work.
14.   Use you local library for books, CDs and videos.
15.   Don’t pay extra for T.V. channels.
16.   Buy clothes and presents in the sales.
17.    Quit smoking.
18.   Think before you buy. Ask yourself: do I really need this?
19.   Learn to say ‘No’ to your children and the swift drink after work.
20.   Book travel and holidays early to get the best prices.
21. Collect and use money off vouchers when you go shopping.
22. Collect credit card / store card points to redeem against goods.
23. Print out money saving vouchers from the internet to use at restaurants etc.
24. Turn down your central heating and wear a jumper during colder weather.
25. Car share when going to work or taking the kids to school.
26. Do not leave TVs and other electrical devices on ‘stand-by’.
27. Pay your bills by direct debit as this normally gives you a reduction.
28. Grow your own vegetables, fruit and herbs.
29. Make your own compost from garden and kitchen waste.
30. Install and use a water butt to provide water for the garden.