Empowering People with Practical Financial Knowledge
9th of March 2025
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At All Inclusive training our motto is ‘Empowering people with Practical Financial Knowledge’. We strongly believe in empowering women to reach their full potential, as we realise that providing education and training to women indirectly empowers their whole family. We provide the option of classroom based or distance learning, which would suit women that may have other family commitments.

We hope that our students leave their training feeling empowered and ready to progress in the world of work with the new-found skills they’ve acquired. All Inclusive have guided a number of women into jobs via Employability courses, which helps them with CV writing and interview skills. Delivered in partnership with HSBC Bank, Barclays Bank, Morgan Stanley and our pool of locally based employers, we support women into work experience at local companies through our work placement programme.

Some women may wish to work on a part-time basis to continue with family commitments. With an accountancy qualification women have the flexibility of being self employed and doing the accounts for small organisations on a part-time basis.

Women also have the option of working full time after finishing their course. Even in today’s day and age many large corporations only have male senior executives, with only five female bosses in the FTSE 100. We hope to empower and educate women so they can move up the career ladder in roles of higher positioning, so that one day the gender gap can be closed once and for all!


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