Empowering People with Practical Financial Knowledge
31st of March 2025
Home > Apprenticeships


Why do an Apprenticeship? 

If you want to become a an accountant, an apprenticeship can be your route to an exciting professional career!

All Inclusive Advice and Training are on the Register of Apprentice Training Providers (ROATP)

Successful completion of an accounting apprenticeship will give you generous exemptions with all the UK chartered and certified accountancy bodies: ACCA, ICAEW, CIMA, ICAS and CIPFA.

You’ll gain 1-4 years’ of relevant hands-on work experience working alongside finance professionals. Practical, technical and personal skills are developed through a mix of learning in the workplace, formal study, and the chance to practice your knowledge in a real world context. You will qualify with a well-rounded set of skills and experience that will make you a highly sought after employee. We offer Foundation, Advanced and Professional level apprenticeships, to suit whatever your requirements. 



In accounting apprenticeship training, students’ knowledge and skills are tested via computer based assessments (CBAs). These assessments are administered inline with AAT procedures and qualification requirements using their secure online assessment platform.

There are two types of CBA: computer based tests and computer based projects. Computer based tests are marked automatically by a computer, whereas computer based projects (including reports, testimonials or workplace evidence) are marked by our qualified A1 and V1 assessors.

AAT qualifications are regulated by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, Northern Ireland and internationally; the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) in Scotland; and Qualifications Wales in Wales.


See below for the role of the Training Provider, Assessment Organisation’s Assessor and Employer:



To find out more –

Call us on: 0208 253 7062

Email us on : info.allinclusivetraining.org